Ayurveda introducing your health basics!


hey! hey! hey!do you want to know what's your prakriti?

A question arises here -what is the need to know one's prakriti, what is it's significance

Prakriti is your body constitution or say body type. It is responsible for what you think ,you analyse,your acts,response to different situations,your lifestyle,which disease are you more prone to? and all the particulars related to one's living or in what way are you different from other person.

Our great Ayurveda explains each of that, relating it with various characteristics of physical appearance and mental response. Prakriti can be either one, combination of two ,or all three in some ratio.

want to know more about yourself?

For this you think about:
how is your digestion power?are you foody?you eat at small intervals or you gap your meals?
are you skinny?moderate?or fatty?
your tone fair? wheatish?or dull?
do you remember things?or forget easily?
your skin dry?or oily?
your hair dry?or get oily soon?hair greying?thin hair?or thick?
your favourite food type sweet?sour?salty?bitter?spicy?bad(kashay)
also your grasping,learing,memorising,retaining power?
your motion(evacuation)hard?soft?very soft?
most importantly your behaivour- aggressive?very calm?balanced?

and now relate them and get to know yours:-


                           dry hair and skin
                           mostly skinny
                           wheatish tone
                           love spicy food
                           hard motion(difficulty in evacuation)💩
                           erratic in nature
                           brittle nails
                           crave for new experiences
                           very quick in physical activities
                           enthusiastic and very active
                           spontaneous nature and unstable thoughts
                           think about many topics at a time
                           learning power is good 
                           retaining power is very poor
                           bad stamina;get tired easily

reference from an ayurvedic context:


                           shinny,warm and oily skin                                                                                              
                            hair gets oily very soon
                            moderate body built and physical strength💪
                            high pitched and clear voice
                            eat in normal quantity but frequently
                            feel excessive thirst
                            very soft motion( prone to loose motions)💩
                            excessive sweating
                            known for their intelligence(good grasping,learning,retaining power)
                            frequent aggressive behaviour😠
                            good communication skills

reference from and ayurvedic context:


                   large and well built body
                              physically and mentally strong
                              shinny tone
                              deep and pleasent voice
                              love to eat sweets
                              hairs are strong ,dark and strong
                              love to sleep😴
                              very slow at work and love to stay at the same place for long
                              very stable mind,great tolerance
                              slow learner but have great retaining power
                              forgiving nature
                              normal motion💩 

reference from an ayurvedic context:

Knowing yourself is much more intresting than any other thing....😎

Relate it and let me also know if you got an idea of your prakriti !



  1. It's reflecting your good knowledge about AYURVEDA.

    This generation need's ayurveda and congnizant's of ayurveda like you.

  2. take me back to AYURVEDIC age.

    you gave good efforts in explaining all this in a very simple language.
    keep going.

  3. Very nice you have a very good knowledge about ayurveda 👍👍👍👍

  4. Pittaj Prakriti ...
    Feeling Informative About myself
    also i would Request to Share More and more detailed Study Relating to Pitaj pravarti so that i Maintain Accordingly
    As we all know Allopathic Are nonsence
    Only left Traditional And Perfect Treatment is AYURVEDA

    Tnx a Lot and Share more ...Details

  5. C) he is very health from outside

  6. Need of the era...well done....very informative....

  7. Very informative... Keep it up n gud luck ��

  8. Well done
    Easy to understand & grasp

  9. Very informative 🌸well done 👍

  10. Informative,keep going ����☺️

  11. Pitta prakriti 😇
    All the best beta

  12. thanku so much everyone...who all supported to this day 1!post1! ill get back with much more important things......

  13. अध्भुत������ keep it up... arey mai to वात-पित्तज हूँ ������

  14. Well done dear. . . . Keep it up. .

  15. Hoping for more information will come to our way from u...best wishes for this new start..����

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sadhnaajay..great effort shakshi it's vata prominent n let me know how to balance it easily ..

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Textual content in conventional mode,Great efforts made by young doctor. Nice initiative keep going

  20. Bravo for ur efforts 👏 congratulations and best wishes for the new start sakshi , keep going 👍


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