Its amazing to know what ayurveda says about good health !

 WHO's healthy???

Sama dosha(balanced dosha)+ sama agni(balanced all type of agni)+ sama dhatu(balanced

 saptadhatu)+ malakriya(normal removal of excretory waste)+ prasanna-atma-indriya-mana(mind,soul,senses being happy and pure) =  a healthy person

  ayurvedic context:-

          स्वस्थ्य की परिभाषा


Here vata representing movement, pitta for digestion and transmutation,kapha creating and holding the structure and body tissues.

ayurvedic context-:


 3.MALA (pureesh-feaces,mutra-urine,sweda-sweat)

Proper removal of our body waste and the food we eat are equally responsible for good health.

4.AGNI (13)

One of the 13, is the pachak agni( digestion power)plays an important role here.

ayurvedic context:-

Note: These all are the basic constituents of the human body. If present in their required amount then the person remains disease free, and if either of them gets disturbed(increase or decrease) then the related symptoms appear and the disease occur.


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